I ended up with 340 miles last week, with 6 hours on the spinning bike Sunday because of rain again. This week began with good weather, I was able to ride outside some, but missed a few days later in the week because of business travel, and decided to rest my sore right foot and knees for a few days. Saturday I rode up to Salisbury, NC passing thru Mount Pleasent and Faith; for 100 miles and 4,372 feet of climbing. The wind was constant, with a distinct head-wind for the first half of the ride. The temperature was 47 degrees at the start, and in the mid-50's at finish. I averaged 16.6 mph with a 6:01 total time. This is within the time goals set by America by Bicycle, and while not the 18 mph I'd like to average with a drafting partner and better weather, it was'nt bad for a solo effort; and was 17 minutes faster than the last time I did the ride. It's raining today, Sunday, I'm doing 39 on the spinning bike to give me 200 miles for the week. Click below: