March 7, 2010 - Training
I had a pretty good week, with 270 miles and two centuries. I had a stent removed as a follow up to the kidney stone surgery and that helped me stay in the saddle more easily, enough said about that! I'm pretty much over the kidney stone issues I have had since October. I did a 100 mile century in the Lawyers' Road/Rocky River area Saturday the 6th. The temperature was 46 degrees when I started, and 57 at the finish. I had a 5:55 ride time, making only two quick stops for water refills and a couple of Clif Bars. I rode the first dozen miles into a sustained cold headwind, with no drafting partner; pretty discouraging. But as the course changed the wind became less of a factor and I was able to ride some quick miles in the 20 to 21 mph range. The ride included 4,212 feet of ascent. I took 23 minutes off last week's century time. I had some significant left knee pain after the ride, so I stayed off the road Sunday, doing an easier 6 hour ride on the Johnny G spinning bike in the garage. I've got an orthopedist appointment scheduled for Tuesday to take a look at my knees, maybe a cortisone injection to help with my arthritis. I have my weight down to a well-hydrated 172 pounds. Hoping to be under 170 when the trip begins.