May 8, 2010 - Tour
138 miles to Aberdeen, Mississippi today, with 5,800 feet of climbing. Wind was neutral and sometimes behind us, temperature seemed to be in the 70's most of the day, one of our better weather days of the tour. I felt better when I came in than yesterday. We stopped at the Subway in town to eat before riding the last few miles, there is no place near the hotel. I had trouble with my saddle again today, so my friend Jeff picked me up a new seat post in Birmingham, I should get it tomorrow while we stop in Tuscaloosa. We do 110 miles to get there, should be in sometime after 3:00 pm. I got a couple more nice care packages today from EDA and my friend Ron today. Doing laundry now, waiting on a dryer. Hope to get to bed soon, very tired, alot of climbing scheduled for tomorrow, 5,100 feet.